ΕΛ                   ΕΝ

The objectives of the course are:

  1. The understanding of the working principles of Geographical Information Systems (GIS).
  2. The development of their application capacity in a wide range of environmental applications.
  3. The development of the ability to solve complex spatial problems.
  4. Familiarity with combining and using data from various sources (field measurements, remote sensing data, open databases, etc.).
  5. The acquisition of skills related to the use of open GIS software.


Course 1 – Introductory course: Basic concepts of GIS, design of Geospatial Databases.

Lesson 2: Interoperability between programs, open data sources, Google Earth Engine, Open Street Map, Inspire geoportal.

Lesson 3: Spatial interpolation – geostatistical analysis

Lesson 4: Analyzes based on the Digital Relief Model (DEM), slope and relief orientation, line of sight.

Lesson 5: Zoning, wind park zoning, landfill site zoning.

Lesson 6: Assessing risk and vulnerability, delineating protection zones.

Lesson 7: GIS and remote sensing, open satellite data sources, data from Aqua and Terra satellites.

Lesson 8: Spatial and temporal analysis of plant cover indicators.

Lesson 9: Spatial and temporal analysis of soil temperatures and potential and actual evapotranspiration.

Lesson 10: The GRACE mission and the Earth’s gravitational field variation data.

Lesson 11: Using GRACE data to record changes in polar ice cover.

Lesson 12: Combining Mathematical Modeling and Remote Sensing Data.

Lesson 13: Presentations of case studies.